NOTE: This product (along with 14 others) is included in the "2025 Mega 14-month Bundle"

Big Truth Bible Lessons for Kids

Seek and Save the Lost - 36 weeks - Bible Lessons on the Book of Luke - ages 5-12 - (download only)

Seek and Save the Lost - 36 weeks - Bible Lessons on the Book of Luke - ages 5-12 - (download only)

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 Seek and Save The Lost is a 36-week Bible study series on the book of Luke. This curriculum is designed as a first foray into expositional Bible study, walking chapter by chapter and verse by verse through the book of Luke. Seek and Save the Lost is our new series for 2024. 

Some of the many questions that will be answered by this series are:

  1. How do I study the Bible?
  2. Who is the Bible all about?
  3. Why did Jesus come to earth? 


This series will be released 1 series at a time throughout the year, or you can PRE-ORDER the full series for a discount. If you pre-order, new units will be sent to you as they become available.

Series Release Dates:

  • Unit 1 - August 2024
  • Unit 2 - September 2024
  • Unit 3 - February 2025
  • Unit 4 - March 2025



  • Introductory Activity
  • Worship Time
    • Worship Together - song suggestions & Bible reading
    • Learn the Text – teaching materials for the Biblical text
    • Cross Connection
  • Application
    • Review
    • Memory Verse
    • Book Time (workbooks)
    • Prayer
  • All necessary printables and resources



  • Perfect for ages 5-12 (grades K-6 in the USA)
  • 36-weeks of teaching material
  • 45 -60 minutes per lesson
  • Scripture verses from from ESV, NIV & KJV (with printables in all 3 translations)
  • This is an instant download curriculum that can be used year-after-year.
  • You have full permission to share these digital materials within your congregation.



  • 💻 PDF download of all the lessons and teaching materials
  • ✏️ WORD file of the lessons allowing you to edit as needed
  • 🙌 All teaching materials including verse posters, worksheets and more
  • 📺 A PPT file and JPG images of all memory verses and slides you may want to use in large group
  • 🎶 Suggested worship songs
  • 🏠 Printable Worksheet Pages



          Lesson Title - Teaching Passage - Main Point

  1. Who is Jesus? - Isaiah 9:6-7 - Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost
  2. The Birth of Jesus Foretold - Luke 1:26-38 - Jesus is the Son of God
  3. The Birth of Jesus - Luke 2:1-20 - Jesus Came to Earth
  4. Jesus Presented in the Temple - Luke 2:21-40 - Jesus is the Promised One
  5. The Boy Jesus in the Temple - Luke 2:41-52 - Jesus is About His Father's Business
  6. The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus - Luke 3:21-38 - Jesus is the Son of God
  7. The Temptation of Jesus - Luke 4:1-13 - The Temptation of Jesus
  8. The Calling of the First Disciples - Luke 5:1-11 & 27-28 - Jesus Says to Follow Him
  9. Healing the Paralytic - Luke 5:17-26 - Jesus Heals and Forgives

    UNIT 2
  10. Jesus Teaches the People 
  11. Jesus Heals the Centurion's Servant
  12. The Sinful Woman Washes Jesus' Feet
  13. The Parable of the Sower
  14. A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
  15. Jesus Feeds the 5000
  16. The Transfiguration
  17. What Must I do to Inherit Eternal Life?
  18. Jesus Teaches About Prayer

    UNIT 3
  19. Do Not Worry
  20. Jesus Heals a Woman on the Sabbath
  21. Jesus Teaches About Humility
  22. The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
  23. The Parable of the Lost Son
  24. The Rich Man and Lazarus
  25. Jesus Heals 10 Lepers
  26. The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
  27. The Rich Young Ruler

    UNIT 4
  28. Zacchaeus Meets Jesus
  29. The Triumphant Entry
  30. The Parable of the Tenants
  31. The Widow's Offering
  32. The Last Supper
  33. Jesus Prays and is Arrested
  34. Peter Denies Jesus
  35. Jesus' Trials, Death and Burial
  36. Jesus' Resurrection



  1. Who are these lessons best for?
    “To Seek and Save the Lost” is a flexible curriculum. It can be used in a variety of settings, Sunday School, midweek Bible study, or Children’s Church. It can be used in a mixed age classroom or individual elementary aged classrooms.  It is primarily written to be used in a self-contained class with a wide range of age groups (K-5th grade), but can be adapted to large group/ small group settings or even homeschool/ family worship settings.

    The lessons do not include separate activities for various age groups, but you (as teacher) know your group best and will be able to determine how best to use the activities with your class.

    The primary audience of these lessons is grades 1.

  2. Our church has a large group/ small group format. How should I structure these lessons in that format?

With a Large Group/ Small group format, the suggestion would be to:

a.     Do the intro activity either in small groups, or the whole group together (depending on numbers)

b.     Do worship together and read the text in a large group setting

c.      Do the remaining activities; memory verse, cross connection, book time, etc. in small group settings.


3.     How would I format these to be used in a family/ homeschool setting?
If you choose to use these lessons at home, you may want to divide the lesson to stretch over 4 days like this. Note, if you teach these lessons over the course of the week, be sure to read the Bible text every day.

a.     day 1 – Introduction and Learn the Text

b.     day 2 – Worship Together and Memory Verse

c.      day 3 – Book Time

d.     day 4 – cross connection

4.     Why 36 lessons instead of 52?
This series is intended to be taught through a year, allowing for you to either, (1) add in thematic lessons for holidays – Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine’s, Palm Sunday, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc. Or, (2) teach during the school year and switch to themed units for the holidays and the summer when many kids are traveling and schedules change a lot.

. 17

. 26

. 42

. 51

. 61

. 71

. 81

. 89

. 100





. 114

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