About Big Truth Bible Lessons
Why Big Truth?
Today's world tells kids that there is no such thing as absolute truth, but the Bible is clear that is not true. In John 14:6, Jesus declares Himself to be "the way, THE TRUTH and the life." Out of this one BIG TRUTH comes so many other truths. If Jesus is the TRUTH, then we can believe that He is the only way to the Father and that life is found in Him alone. We can believe that He is God incarnate and that He died to pay the price for sin, and so much more.
Every Big Truth Bible Lesson is built on a BIG TRUTH found in the Bible!
What are the distinguishing factors of Big Truth Bible Lessons?
Theologically Rich - We believe that no one is too young to learn the Big Truths of the Bible. We don't shy away from big words and deep truths, but instead teach them in age appropriate ways. For more on what we mean by being theologically rich, check out this article entitled "Don't be Afraid of the Big Gospel Words when Teaching Children."
Gospel Driven - every Big Truth Bible lesson contains clear connections to the cross. At Big Truth we want every child to know the good news of Jesus and to know that the cross is about every day, not just Easter!
Bible Saturated - full of activities that encourage kids to actively be in the Word. We believe that knowing God comes through hearing His Word, so all ages are kids are in the Word in every lesson!
Teacher Friendly - most Big Truth Lessons are scripted (so teachers can print and go... although we do recommend some prep time). All the materials are right there in the lesson, so all you need are a few simple resources like crayons, paper and maybe a bean bag.
We Believe No One is Too Young for the Gospel - We offer a wide range of lessons written especially for toddlers and preschoolers, helping them to experience God and His Word from the very beginning. Our lessons start with toddlers, but if you want ideas on how to incorporate the gospel in the nursery, check out this article entitled, "Remembering the Gospel in the Nursery."
Written for 60-90 minutes with plenty of activities - in fact most churches say we have too many activities to choose from, which allows you to teach what works best in your situation.
Large group/ small group format with suggested song links - Most of our elementary lessons are written with a large group/ small group format with activities for various age groups. Suggestions are also given for how to teach in small groups or all ages together.
Lessons are Well Tested - All Big Truth Bible Lessons were written to be taught in a local church by the teacher. Big Truth Bible Lessons have been taught around the world by hundred of churches over the course of 20 years. Whole generations have been impacted by these lessons.
Budget Friendly - We want everyone to have access to quality Sunday School materials, so we keep our prices lower than all the big curriculum publishers, saving you money!
Easy to download, email, and print - everything comes PDF files, all teachers can download their own copy of everything. Plus, most of our materials have a Word file, so you can edit lessons to best work in your church.
What is included in your materials?
Lessons include teaching scripts, memory verse posters, suggested worship songs, worksheets, memory verse activities, games, discussion questions, review activities, coloring pages, take home pages pages and more
What Bible translation is used in your materials?
Primarily ESV is quoted in the lesson files. These files are usually WORD format so that you can easily edit the translation should you choose. Many of the elementary series offer printable materials in ESV, NIV and KJV. If there is a series you have a question about, or if you would like a particular series in a different translation please don't hesitate to reach out.
Who writes Big Truth Bible Lessons?
All Big Truth Bible Lessons are written by Bethany Darwin.
It's such a joy serving alongside so many churches in teaching children God's Word. As I write I am thinking and praying for you all as you faithfully proclaim God's Word week in and week out to the kids in your church.
Here is a little bit about me and what drives me to write curriculum. I have a BA in Human Development and Family Studies (Samford University (1997) and an MA in Christian Children's Education (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary). I spent 20+ years working full-time in children’s ministry, both in the US and in Dubai, before coming home to raise my son. During those years in ministry, I discovered gaps in the available curriculum and often struggled to find a curriculum that worked in my church setting. It was this discovery that awakened a passion in me for writing children’s ministry curriculum. I am a member of Bethany Bible Church in Thousand Oaks, CA where I teach ages 3-4. I'm married to Joseph, who is pursuing an MDiv and preparing for full-time ministry.
Along with writing for Big Truth Bible Lessons, I also write for the Sunday School Store, Ministry to Children, Christian Focus Publishers and have several self-published books available on Amazon. In the past I was a staff writer for Orange Curriculum.
I'd love to you to check out some of the books I have published:
Is It Time Yet: A Family Advent Journey - a 25 day storybook and devotional (there is also a Spanish translation available)
Is It Time Yet: Advent Coloring and Activity Book
Sing and Play Big Bible Truth - a toddler family worship and activity book
My Church Notebook - a sermon journal for kids
M is for Manger- an ABC and Do a Dot Christmas activity book
Give Thanks to the Lord - 31 day Thanksgiving journal for kids
The 1st Easter - a story in pictures/ coloring book walking kids through the complete Easter story
Meet the Team:
Jedidjah Rotter - Illustrator
My name is Jedidjah although many know me as Didi . I’m the person behind the illustrations in this book . I live in South Africa with my husband and 3 daughters and a lot of animals. Photography has been my creative outlet of choice for the past 10 years, but after an unfortunate incident which involved a man and a gun who really wanted my camera earlier this year, I picked up my pencil and pen and redirected some creative energy into this book. Besides photography and drawing , I’m involved in a program called the Rare Bear project which empowers women in the informal settlement near where I live to earn an income through crocheting projects -you can check it out at www.facebook.com/RareBearsSA/. Five years ago I also started a page called “ I have a Name “ which has become a platform to get the stories of ordinary people out there and creates opportunities for people to come around them and help in various ways. You can find it at www.facebook.com/ihaveanamethisismystory/.
Julia Bär - translator of German resources
Abigail Morse - translator of Spanish resources

Mi nombre es Abigail Morse y vivo en Minnesota con mi amado esposo Greg y mis dos hijos. Me crié en Massachusetts en una familia pastoral y latina, cantando himnos y coritos y leyendo la Biblia en español. :) En el 2005 comencé mi profesión como maestra de español, directora de ministerio de jóvenes, y misionera/traductora en diferentes países durante el verano. Tuve el privilegio de proclamar el evangelio en cada esfera y en ambos idiomas hasta el 2014 cuando renuncié para trabajar como misionera en la India y el Medio Oriente. En una conferencia de misiones conocí al que es ahora mi esposo y nos casamos ese mismo año (2017). Ahora tengo el deleite de apoyarlo en su ministerio (desiringgod.org/authors/greg-morse) mientras me dedico al ministerio de mi hogar, mi familia, mi iglesia local, mi vecindario, y a proyectos como este que exaltan a Cristo y proclaman el único mensaje que es poder de Dios para salvación a TODO aquel que cree (Romanos 1:16).