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Big Truths for Young Hearts - 52-week Bible Lesson Series for Ages 5-11 (download)

Big Truths for Young Hearts - 52-week Bible Lesson Series for Ages 5-11 (download)

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This exciting curriculum will help build a foundation of Biblical truths in the hearts of children. By focusing on big truths of the Bible, this curriculum teaches systematic theology to kids using language they clearly understand. Big Truths for Young Hearts is a 52-week lesson series based on the book ‘Big Truths for Young Hearts’ by Bruce Ware. In this book, Dr. Ware unpacks the riches of God’s word in a systematic way designed to help kids to grasp of the big picture of who God is and all He desires us to know through His Word.

Adaptable for 30-90 minutes

30 Minute Class

Intro Activity and Large Group

45 Minute Class

  • Intro Activity
  • Large Group
  • Review/ Application in Small Group

1 Hour Class

  • Intro Activity
  • Large Group
  • Review/ Application in Small Group
  • Memory Verse in Small Group

Longer Class or Multiple Sessions

The full curriculum can be taught in 90 minutes. Or, many churches choose to teach the curriculum during Sunday School and Children's Church or Sunday AM and Wednesday PM.


52 - weeks of Bible Lessons
Sample Lessons Available
Instant Download

Ages 5-11

This year-long curriculum series takes the concepts, or the BIG TRUTHS, presented in Dr. Ware's book and provides teachers, parents, and churches with all the resources they need to proclaim those truths to the children in their lives. The curriculum units follow the chapters in the book. The hope is that churches would teach straight through the materials, as in many ways the units do build on each other. But the units are also written in such a way that you could easily teach them as a stand-alone curriculum. 

Click here for a scope and sequence of the full 52 weeks!

or here to see a suggested teaching calendar for 2023-2024 school year



  • 📅 52 weeks of lessons
  • 📘 Materials in ESV, with editable WORD file and PPT slides for all lessons
  • ⏰   Teaching time: 45-90 minutes
  • 👧🏼 Ages 5-12 (grades K-6 in the USA) - small groups age 5-8 and 8-12
  • 📺 PPT teaching slides & 20 second countdown video
  • 📥  Instant download (Word lesson, PDF lesson, PDF teaching materials, PPT & JPG)
  • ⛪️ You have full permission to share these digital materials within your congregation.


Each lesson in this curriculum is designed to be taught over a 60-90 minute time frame to elementary students (K-6th) and includes the following elements: opening activities, large group worship, large group teaching guides, small group application activities for 2 different age groups, printable activity sheets, memory verse posters, take-home pages for family devotions and more. Suggestions are also given in the curriculum for how to best utilize the materials in shorter or longer class times and how to teach these materials to mixed age group class. 


Unit 1- 'God's Word and God's Own Life as God':


In Unit 1, we look at the foundational big truths of the Christian faith, who God is and how He introduces Himself to us through His Word. By taking the time to really get to know the God of the Bible, children will begin to see who they are in light of God’s perfection.  This will lay a great foundation for the truths in the rest of the series.

Unit 2 - 'God as 3-in-1' and 'Who is Jesus?':


In Unit 2, we dive into the Trinity, looking at each of the 3 persons of the Godhead and their roles and the big picture of God being 3 in 1. Then we look at the person of Christ. This part of the series is perfect for the Christmas season and will help kids see Jesus as more than the baby in the manger this year.  

Unit 3 - 'God and Man':


In Unit 3, children will dive deeper into God’s relationship with His creation. In the first half of the unit (God: Creator and Ruler of All), students will have a chance to see God as the sovereign creator, ruler, and provider in the world, as well as grapple with tough topics of God’s sovereign control over pain and suffering in the world and how He works all things for our good and His glory. After considering these aspects of God’s good character, the second half of the unit focuses on what the Bible says about people. 


Children will learn more of what it means to be made in God’s image, discuss what the Bible says about gender and talk about the reality of the Fall and the impact of sin on all of our lives. These lessons are designed to help build the theological foundation needed to understand the amazing good news of Jesus’ death in our place.

Unit 4 - 'The Work of Jesus' and 'Who is the Holy Spirit?'


In Unit 4,students will start by spending 6 weeks pondering Jesus’ work on the cross. Kids will walk with Jesus from the garden, through His trials, to the cross and the empty tomb all to come to the point of understanding that Jesus is the only way. These first 6 lessons are perfect for the Easter season, but also easily taught any time of the year. After focusing on Jesus and the cross, the unit will end with 4 lessons on the work of the Holy Spirit, seeing that the Holy Spirit was a work in the Old Testament, with Jesus and His disciples and at work in the lives of all of Jesus’ followers today.

Unit 5 - 'Salvation and the Church'


Unit 5 completes the 52-week study of the Big Truths of the Bible. In this unit, students will focus on the doctrines of salvation (soteriology) and the church (ecclesiology). As they look at salvation, they will see what the Bible says about election, faith, belief, righteousness, justification, sanctification, and the truth that salvation is through Jesus alone. In the second part of the unit, students will uncover Biblical teaching on the church; what a church is, what a church does, symbols of the church and how the church grows through evangelism. This unit is an excellent cap to the study we’ve been working through all year as the truths students have already learned about God, man, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are come together to make sense of salvation and the church.



How to Access This Product:

Like all materials on Big Truth Bible Lessons for Kids, this resource is fully digital, nothing will be mailed to you. This means that you can have it and start using it TODAY in 3 easy steps! 

  1. Buy this resource.
  2. Download this resource. Right after buying you will receive an email with a download link. We recommend that you download on a desktop or laptop computer. Downloads to mobile devices aren't recommended and may result in difficulty accessing your files.
  3. Use this resource. Right away you can print, email or save your file for future use.


Plus if for any reason you're not fully satisfied with your purchase, all purchases from Big Truth Bible Lessons for Kids come with a 100% money-back guarantee. Just contact us and we'll make it right!



Unit 1- 'God's Word and God's Own Life as God':

  • God Has Made Himself Known
    • Text – Genesis 1
    • God introduces us to Himself through creation
    • Main Point –God Introduces Himself to us
  • The Bible is God’s True and Lasting Word
    • Text – 2 Timothy 3:16
    • God speaks through the Bible
    • Main Point – The Bible is the Word of God
  • God is God Apart from Us
    • Text – Isaiah 40 & Acts 17
    • The greatness of God
    • Main Point – God doesn’t need anything
  • God is God with Us
    • Text – 1 John 4:7-12
    • God is Love
    • Main Point – God loved us by sending Jesus
  • Forever God
    • Text – Psalm 90
    • God is Eternal
    • Main Point – God is eternal
  • Holy, Holy, Holy God
    • Text – Isaiah 6
    • God is Holy
    • Main Point – God is Holy
  • He Changes Not
    • Text – Genesis 15- Exodus 12
    • God keeps His promise to Abraham
    • Main Point – God will never change
  • All Wisdom + All Power = God
    • Text – Genesis 15-21
    • Isaac – the Promised son
    • Main Point – God is wise and powerful
  • God is All Good
    • Text – Exodus 17 & Numbers 20
    • God gives water from a rock
    • Main Point – God is all good

Unit 2 - 'God as 3-in-1' and 'Who is Jesus?':

  • There is Only One God
    • Text – 1 Kings 18
    • Elijah and the Prophets of Baal
    • Main Point –There is Only One God
  • One God in Three Persons
    • Text – Matthew 3
    • Jesus’ Baptism
    • Main Point – God is Three in One
  • The Father is God
    • Text – Matthew 6 and Luke 11
    • The Lord’s Prayer
    • Main Point – God the Father is the Master Designer
  • The Son is God
    • Text – John 5
    • Jesus heals a paralyzed man
    • Main Point – Jesus and the Father are One
  • The Holy Spirit is God & How the Trinity Relates to Each Other
    • Text – John 14 & 16
    • Jesus Teaching the Disciples
    • Main Point – The Holy Spirit is God
  • A Person Who was Alive Long Before He was Born
    • Text – Isaiah 9:6
    • Prophecies of Jesus’ Birth
    • Main Point – Jesus is the I Am
  • How Jesus Emptied Himself in Becoming Also a Man
    • Text – Philippians 2:5-11
    • Jesus Humbled Himself
    • Main Point – Jesus became a man to die our death
  • The Incarnation: God and Man Together
    • Text – John 1 & Luke 2
    • The Birth of Jesus
    • Main Point – Jesus is Immanuel: God with Us
  • Jesus Lived in the Power of the Spirit
    • Text – Isaiah 61 & Luke 4
    • Jesus Taught that He is the Messiah
    • Main Point – Jesus lived in the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Jesus Resisted Temptation, Living a Sinless Life
    • Text – Matthew 4:1-11
    • The Temptations of Jesus
    • Main Point – Jesus resisted temptation in the power of the Holy Spirit


Unit 3 - 'God and Man':

  • Who Made the World?
    • Text – Genesis 1 and John 1
    • God Made the World
    • Main Point – God (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) made the world
  • God Rules the World He Made
    • Text – Matthew 6
    • God Cares for His Creation
    • Main Point – God rules the world that He made

  • God Provides All Good Things in the World
    • Text – Luke 17
    • Jesus Heals the Lepers
    • Main Point – God provides all good things
  • God Controls All Bad Things in the World
    • Text – Judges 16
    • Samson
    • Main Point – God is sovereign – He is in control of all bad things
  • God Intended it for Good
    • Text – Genesis 37-50
    • Joseph and His Brothers
    • Main Point – God always brings about the good that He planned in the world
  • Pain and Suffering in the World God Controls
    • Text – Job
    • Job Trusts God Through Intense Suffering
    • Main Point – God works all things, even suffering, for the good of His people
  • Men and Women, Boys and Girls – God’s Masterpieces
    • Text – Genesis 1-2
    • Made in God’s Image
    • Main Point – God made people to reflect Him
  • Other Features of Being Human
    • Text – Genesis 1 & 2 and Ephesians 5
    • Men and Women Made in God’s Image
    • Main Point – God created me and women differently from the rest of creation
    • Note: this lesson deals with Biblical gender roles from a complementarian viewpoint based in creation
  • How Sin Came into Our World & What Sin In
    • Text – Genesis 2-3
    • The Fall
    • Main Point – Sin always results in separation from God, harm, ruin and death
  • How Sin has Spread to All People
    • Text – Genesis 11
    • The Tower of Babel
    • Main Point – All sin because all are sinners
  • The Punishment for Our Sin
    • Text – Genesis 2 and Romans 3
    • God’s Just Punishment for Sin
    • Main Point – God is just and sin must be punished

Unit 4 - 'The Work of Jesus' and 'Who is the Holy Spirit?'

  • Jesus’ Death Showed God’s Justice and Mercy
    • Text – Matthew 26
    • Jesus Prays in the Garden
    • Main Point – Jesus died because God is both just and merciful
  • Jesus Paid the Full Penalty for Sin
    • Text – Matthew 26 - 27
    • Jesus’ Trials
    • Main Point – Jesus paid the full penalty for sin
  • Jesus’ Victory Over Satan by His Payment for Sin
    • Text – Matthew 27
    • Jesus Dies on the Cross
    • Main Point – Jesus defeated Satan when He died on the cross
  • Jesus’ Resurrection: The Proof that Christ’s Death for Sin Worked
    • Text – Mark 16
    • Jesus Rises from the Dead
    • Main Point – Jesus rose victorious over death
  • Jesus is King Over All
    • Text – Isaiah 9, Philippians 2, Ezekiel 37
    • Jesus is the Promised Forever King
    • Main Point – Jesus is the Forever King
  • But is Jesus Really the Only Savior?
    • Text – various texts
    • Truths about Jesus
    • Main Point – Jesus is the ONLY way to God
  • The Work of the Holy Spirit in Old Testament Times
    • Text – Exodus 31
    • Building the Tabernacle
    • Main Point – the Holy Spirit helped people to do what God wanted in the Old Testament
  • The Spirit on Jesus and Jesus’ Followers
    • Text – Acts 2
    • Truths about Jesus
    • Main Point – the Holy Spirit was promised and was sent to live within God’s people
  • The Spirit Gives New Life in Christ
    • Text – Acts 9
    • Conversion of Saul
    • Main Point – the Holy Spirit gives new life in Christ
  • The Holy Spirit Fills and Unites Believers
    • Text – Acts 2
    • The First Church
    • Main Point – the Holy Spirit fills believers and then unites them with other believers



Unit 5 - 'Salvation and the Church'

  • God’s Kindness and Wisdom in Choosing Some to Save
    • Text – Genesis 25 & 27
    • Jacob & Esau
    • Main Point – God chose His people before the creation of the world
  • Sirs, What Must I Do to Be Saved?
    • Text – Acts 16
    • Paul and Silas in Prison
    • Main Point – Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved
  • Declared Right in God’s Eyes When We Believe
    • Text – Luke 5
    • Jesus heals a paralyzed man
    • Main Point – God declares His children righteous because of Jesus
  • Made More Like Christ Through All of Our Lives
    • Text – Luke 19
    • Zacchaeus
    • Main Point – God makes His children righteous because of Jesus
  • Saved By Good Works? NO! Saved For Good Works? YES!
    • Text – Titus
    • The Christian life
    • Main Point – Good works show that God has changed someone’s heart
  • Must People Believe in Christ to be Saved?
    • Text – Acts 17
    • Paul and the altar to the Unknown God in Athens
    • Main Point – Jesus is the only Savior and people must know Him to be saved
  • Jesus is the Lord of the Church
    • Text – 1 Corinthians 12
    • What is the church?
    • Main Point – Jesus is the Lord of the church
  • A People of the New Covenant
    • Text – Exodus 20 & Romans 8
    • The 10 Commandments
    • Main Point – God is in a covenant relationship with His people
  • Communities of Christians Who Worship and Serve Together
    • Text – Acts 2
    • The beginning of the church
    • Main Point – the church is God’s people; called out by God to worship and serve Him
  • Baptism: Picturing Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
    • Text – Acts 8
    • Phillip and the Ethiopian
    • Main Point – Baptism is a symbol showing that someone has trusted Jesus for salvation

  • The Lord’s Supper: Remembering Jesus’s Death and Resurrection
    • Text -1 Corinthians 11 and Mark 14
    • The Last Supper
    • Main Point – The Lord’s Supper is a time for believers to remember what Jesus did when He died on the cross
  • Evangelism: Growing the Church Through Making Disciples
    • Text -Acts
    • The Gospel Spreads
    • Main Point – Jesus commands His followers to make disciples of all nations











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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Children's Ministry Director in Dubai (Dubai, AE)
Good, quality material for the church

This is the second unit we have worked through with Big Truths and it continues to be such a blessing for our kids and volunteers. I love how easy Bethany has made the material to print and adapt for every type of situation. I would highly recommend this curriculum to any church that is wanting to teach solid, biblical, gospel-pointing lessons to their children.

Laurie DiCicco, The Journey Church (Lebanon, US)
Unit 3 Big Truths for Young Hearts

We love this curriculum! We have bought Unit 1, Unit 2 & not Unit 3. We are using this curriculum for our Midweek Kids Service for K-5th. Our kids are learning so much. Highly recommend!! A+++++

Lisa Welkner (Dubai, AE)
So excited for our kids' ministry!!

We just finished off the "Is It Time Yet?" curriculum from Bethany Darwin and had such great feedback that I was eager to try out her Big Truth for the new year. We are one week in and the kids and volunteers are loving the material. It's so well organized, thoughtful for children at different stages/needs, fun for volunteers and theologically sound! The gospel is clearly taught each week without it feeling forced--Bethany helps the kids and adults see how all of the scripture teaches the same story...God is BIG & HOLY, we are SINNERS and Jesus is our RESCUER. I highly recommend you give this material a try in your ministry.

Wanda Tuck (Fredericksburg, US)
Teachers Loved It

As KidMin Director, I bought the Big Truths for Young Hearts for the Older Elementary groups, and they were really enjoying it. Plenty of teaching options, and theologically sound. Then our Younger Elementary teacher stopped by the church to pick up her lesson book and accidentally picked up this one. She loved it so much that I didn't have the heart to tell her it was not for her group, so now we are using this in three different classes from Kindergarten through 5th grade, and all the teachers are very pleased! Thanks so much!

J.B. (Munich, DE)
Biblical theology in a fun and gospel centered way for kids

We used this in a 3 year rotation. Where else can you find biblical truths for kids in a fun and gospel centered way. Every game, riddle, coloring page,... Is gospel centered and not about entertainment only. My kids have learned so much with this. As parents we have loved the take home pages to go deeper at home. I was impressed how much they can learn when you challenge them with these great truths. As a children's ministry coordinator I loved the easyness to use and also the look of it. As a teacher I loved how you can keep preparation to a minimum or dig deep. Highly recommend this. Especially when rotating with some of the other great curricula from this page!