Christ Centered Easter Celebrations and Resources

Christ Centered Easter Celebrations and Resources

Easter (and the season leading up to it - Lent), is a great opportunity to be really intentional about pointing children to the cross. It's also a time when families are often looking for resources. Below are some of my favorite resources to share with families and/or to have available in your classrooms. 


Resources from Big Truth Bible Lessons for Kids

  •  Easter Story in a Bag - a fun giveaway or teaching resources - 

    Through hands-on activities, children will see the story of Easter come to life. They’ll hear Biblical truth, use small items to act out and illustrate the story, and learn more about why Jesus died on the cross, before rejoicing in His resurrection.

  • Easter Story Scavenger Hunt This Scavenger Hunt is perfect for church or home and is designed get kids outside exploring (or searching around your church/ home), to find small items that will help tell the biggest story. And, on top of that, there’s absolutely no prep for this activity. All you need is this printout and a Bible.

  • It Happened One Week - a fun event that allows kids to experience the story of Easter as they make their way through a series of activity stations. You could say that “It Happened One Week is a 1-day Easter themed VBS. 

  • Sing and Play Easter - 8 Easter lessons for preschoolers and toddlers

  • Why Easter? - 5 elementary Easter lessons


Articles for parents: 


Family Devotionals (Plus a few for the adults):


Books :

Allegories can be a helpful aid in teaching wonderful truths to kids. Consider:

There are several books geared toward teaching children about Jesus’ death and resurrection:


Teaching Activities :


Our hope and prayer is that by reading through one of these resources with your family before Easter and talking about the truths of Scriptures presented, your children might be better prepared in their minds and hearts to genuinely embrace and rejoice in the glorious news that “He is risen!”


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